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Reach Out to Congress

Join Your Hematology Colleagues to Support NIH Funding in FY 2024

On March 9, President Biden released his budget proposal for fiscal year (FY) 2024. The proposal includes $48.3 billion for the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) base budget, a $811 million (1.7%) increase over the comparable FY 2023 funding level, and $2.5 billion for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), a $1 billion (66.7%) boost over funding Congress provided to the newly created entity in FY 2023.

ASH has with hundreds of patient groups, scientific societies, research institutions, health professionals, educators, and industry organizations to recommend a program level of at least $51 billion for the NIH’s base budget in FY 2024 and to stress that any funding for ARPA-H, or for other targeted programs like pandemic preparedness, supplement the recommendation for NIH’s base budget.

As Congress begins work on assembling bills to provide funding for NIH and other important research and public health programs, lawmakers need to hear from constituents about the impact that research funding has on hematology. Please take a moment to enter your information below to quickly send a message to Congress urging support for increased NIH funding in the next appropriations package.