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Recipients of the ASH Global Research Award

The following individuals received the ASH Global Research Award.


  • Lois Bayigga, PhD
    Joint Clinical Research Centre
    Kampala, Uganda
  • Maria Cayrol, PhD
    Instituto de Investigaciones Biom茅dicas UCA-CONICET
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Clara Chamba, MD
    Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
    Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
  • Sisi Chen, PhD
    Shanghai General Hospital
    Shanghai, China
  • Samuele Ferrari, PhD
    Ospedale San Raffaele
    Milan, Italy
  • Makoto Iwasaki, MD, PhD
    Kyoto University Hospital
    Kyoto, Japan
  • Binyamin Knisbacher, PhD
    Bar-Ilan University
    Ramat Gan, Israel
  • James Kuzich, MBBS
    University of Melbourne
    Melbourne, Australia
  • John Muthii Muriuki, PhD (ASH-Narla and Murthy Family Global Research Award)
    KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme
    Kilifi, Kenya
  • Alfredo De Jesus Rodriguez Gomez, PhD 
    Universidad Nacional Aut贸noma de M茅xico
    Mexico City, Mexico
  • Cornelis Van Der Torren, MD, PhD
    Amsterdam UMC
    Rijnsburg, Netherlands


  • Shlomo Elias, MD, PhD
    Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School
    Jerusalem, Israel
  • Aline Floch, MD, PhD (ASH-Narla and Murthy Family Global Research Award)
    Institut Mondor De Recherche Biom茅
    Cr茅teil, France
  • Ana Glembotsky, PhD
    Alfred Lanari Medical Research Institute
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Anna Marneth, PhD
    Radboud University Medical Center
    Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • Pablo Morande, PhD
    Luxembourg Institute of Health
    Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Attya Omer, PhD
    Ospedale San Raffaelle
    Milan, Italy
  • Linda Sch枚nborn, MD
    University of Greifswald
    Greifswald, Germany
  • Yue Sheng, PhD
    The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University
    Changsha, China
  • Amos Tuval, MD, PhD
    Karolinska Institute
    Solna, Sweden
  • Gabriele Varano , PhD  
    The Firc Institute of Molecular Oncology
    Milan, Italy
  • Beatriz Wills, MD
    Fundacion Santa Fe De
    Bogota, Colombia
  • Adi Zoref-Lorenz, MD
    Meir Hospital/Sappir Medical Center
    Kfar-Saba, Israel


  • Anna Aalbers, MD, PhD
    Erasmus MC Cancer Institute
    Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Katherine Antel, MD, PhD
    University of Cape Town
    Cape Town, South Africa
  • Lina Benajiba, MD, PhD
    H么pital Saint-Louis
    Paris, France
  • Kavita Bisht, PhD
    Mater Research Institute - The University of Queensland
    South Brisbane, Australia
  • Sergi Cuartero, PhD
    Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute
    Barcelona, Spain
  • Bin Guo, PhD
    Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
    Shanghai, China
  • Eugenio Hottz, PhD
    Federal University of Juiz De Fora
    Juiz de Fora, Brazil
  • Shani Levy, MD
    University of Witwatersrand
    Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Ahlam Nasser, MD
    Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
    Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Ramila Shilpakar, MBBS
    National Academy of Medical Sciences Bir Hospital
    Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Nicole Stoffel, PhD
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Z眉rich
    Z眉rich, Switzerland
  • Sophie Uyoga, PhD
    KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme
    Kilifi, Kenya
  • Akihide Yoshimi, MD, PhD
    National Cancer Center Japan
    Tokyo, Japan


  • Annamaria Aprile, PhD
    Ospedale San Raffaele
    Milan, Italy
  • Shruti Bhatt, PhD
    National University of Singapore
    Singapore, Singapore
  • Adalgisa Condoluci, MD
    Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland
    Bellinzona, Switzerland
  • Rishi Dhawan, MD, DM
    All India Institute of Medical Sciences
    New Delhi, India
  • Delfim Duarte, MD
    Instituto de Investiga莽茫o e Inova莽茫o em Sa煤de and Instituto Portugu锚s de Oncologia do Porto Francisco Gentil
    Porto, Portugal
  • Miguel Ganuza Fernandez, PhD
    Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London
    London England, United Kingdom
  • Antonella Fidanza, PhD
    University of Edinburgh
    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
  • Ibrahim Idris, MBBS, MPH
    Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital
    Kano, Nigeria
  • Lucila Kerbauy, MD
    Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Deepesh Lad, MD
    Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
    Chandigarh, India
  • Yang Mei, PhD
    Hunan University
    Changsha, China
  • Joshua Tobin, MD, PhD
    Mater Research
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


  • Yasuyuki Arai, MD, PhD
    Kyoto University Hospital
    Kyoto-Shi, Japan
  • Mercedes Borge, PhD
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Roberta Demichelis, MD
    Instituto Nacional De Ciencias Medicas Salvador Zubiran
    Mexico City, Mexico
  • Raffaella Di Micco, PhD
    San Raffaele Hospital
    Milan, Italy
  • Eleni Gavriilaki, MD
    George Papanikolaou General Hospital
    Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Andres Gomez-De Leon, MD
    Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon, Hospital Universitario
    Monterrey, Mexico
  • Jay Gunawardana, PhD
    Mater Research Institute - University of Queensland
    Woolloongabba, Australia
  • Daichi Inoue, MD, PhD
    Foundation For Biomedical Research and Innovation
    Kobe, Japan
  • Neeraj Jain, PhD
    All India Institute of Medical Sciences
    Rishikesh, India


  • Eugenia Asare, MBChB
    Ghana Institute of Clinical Genetics/Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital
    Accra, Ghana
  • Maddalena Casale, MD, PhD
    University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
    Naples, Italy
  • Pedro Henrique de Lima Prata, MD
    Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto
    Ribeir茫o Preto, S茫o Paulo, Brazil
  • Chao Fang, PhD
    Huazhong University of Science and Technology
    Wuhan, Hubei, China
  • Kohei Hosokawa, MD, PhD
    Kanazawa University
    Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan
  • Antonija Jurak Begonja, PhD
    University of Rijeka
    Rijeka, Croatia
  • Marketa Kubricanova Zaliova, MD, PhD
    Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
    Prague, Czech Republic
  • Hiroyoshi Kunimoto, MD, PhD
    Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine
    Kanagwa, Yokohama, Japan
  • Ruth Namazzi, MD
    Makerere University
    Kampala, Uganda


  • Emmanuela Ambrose, MD
    Bugando Medical Center
    Mwanza, Tanzania
  • Alice Cheung, PhD
    Singapore General Hospital
    Bukit Merah, Singapore
  • Paolo Gallipoli, MD, PhD
    University of Cambridge
    Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Renato Luiz Guerino Cunha, MD, PhD
    Medical School of Ribeir茫o Preto of S茫o Paulo University
    Ribeir茫o Preto, S茫o Paulo, Brazil
  • Can K眉莽眉k, PhD
    Dokuz Eyl眉l University and 陌zmir Biomedicine and Genome Center
    陌zmir, Turkey
  • Antonella Nai, PhD
    Ospedale San Raffaele
    Milan, Italy
  • Siana Nkya, PhD
    Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
    Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Cyntia Fabiola Valvert Gamboa, MD
    Liga Nacional Contra el C谩ncer e Instituto de Cancerolog铆a de Guatemala
    Guatemala, Guatemala