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Apply for the ASH Medical Educators Institute

The ASH Medical Educators Institute (MEI) is designed to build skills and position junior faculty and senior fellows for successful careers as clinician educators and mentors to future generations of hematologists. At this time, ASH MEI is open to candidates in the United States and Canada exclusively. Each year, approximately 15 to 20 people are accepted to participate in the institute, which consists of three core activities:

  1. Workshop: The program begins with a kick-off dinner in Washington, DC, followed by a three-day, in-person workshop at ASH Headquarters. ASH covers the costs of travel to the program, lodging, and meals for accepted applicants.
  2. Webinar series: The webinars supplement the MEI curriculum by covering the medical educator core competencies not addressed during the in-person workshop. The series begins with pre-workshop webinars and extends over the six months following the workshop.
  3. Mentorship: Program faculty assist participants in the completion of a scholarly project and provide career guidance throughout the duration of the program.

At the conclusion of the program, participants are able to:

  • Design and execute a scholarly project in hematology medical education.
  • Implement additional techniques in their teaching of medical trainees.
  • Identify appropriate next steps in their career development.
  • Create a valuable network of medical education experts and colleagues.

2024 ASH MEI Co-Directors

  • Scott Gitlin, MD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Scott Moerdler, MD, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ

Medical Educators Institute Webinar Series

ASH welcomes all ASH members to register for the upcoming Medical Educators Institute webinars or to view them independently. These webinars are designed to supplement the MEI curriculum by covering the medical educator core competencies not addressed during the in-person workshop.

More details about the individual webinars will be released as they are confirmed.

Past MEI Webinar Recordings


Eligibility Requirements

The ASH Medical Educators Institute is open to fellows and faculty in the United States and Canada who see medical education as a major part of their professional roles. Participants should have a thirst for exposure to new teaching techniques and a significant interest in scholarship in the field of medical education in hematology.

You are eligible to apply if you meet any one of the following requirements:

  • You are an ASH Active member in good standing and will have a faculty appointment at the time of the fall workshop.
  • You are an ASH Associate member in good standing at the time of your application and:
    • You have a faculty position confirmed prior to the start of the ASH MEI program.
    • You will be in your last year of fellowship training during the ASH MEI program.

ASH seeks to increase participation in MEI from diverse and underrepresented groups in hematology, medical education, and the MEI program. These individuals include but are not limited to those from centers who have not had trainees or mentors who have participated in MEI, underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in medicine, underrepresented gender groups, individuals with disabilities, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, and applicants who focus on non-malignant hematology.


ASH is offering “application mentors” for individuals who are from diverse and underrepresented groups. Application mentors are ASH members who are knowledgeable in the MEI application process. Mentors will work with candidates during the application process to help build a strong application. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in this opportunity and from a diverse and/or underrepresented group.

To verify your membership status, please log in to your .

Application Process

The Medical Educators Institute application, as well as all supporting documents outlined below, must be submitted through .

All applications must include the following:

  • Project proposal and references
  • Applicant's career-development plan
  • Applicant's curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Letter of support from division chief or training program director
  • Letter of support from mentor
  • Mentor's CV

For more information about the required materials, please see the Required Documents PDF.

Contact [email protected] with any application questions.

Evaluation, Selection, and Notification

Each application will be reviewed by multiple reviewers. Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • The applicant’s insight into modern issues in medical education as demonstrated by the project proposal
  • The strength of institutional and mentor support for the applicant
  • The ability of the applicant to complete his/her career-development plan

Any submission that does not follow the application requirements, is not formatted correctly, is lacking information, has incorrect information, or is lacking required documents will be deemed ineligible and will not be reviewed by the study section. There will be no appeals or consideration for further review once an application has been determined to be ineligible.

Terms and Conditions

Each applicant will submit the outline of a project in medical education as a part of the application. By applying to the program, applicants agree to provide ASH with a copy of the outcome of that scholarly effort to share with the hematology education community via the ASH website if requested.

As a condition of acceptance to ASH MEI, participants are required to:

  • Maintain ASH membership for the duration of the program
  • Adhere to all required deadlines
  • Attend the entirety of the in-person program in Washington, DC
  • Attend as many webinars following the in-person program as possible
  • Make airline reservations through EWA Travel, ASH’s official travel agent
  • Complete the ASH Conflict-of-Interest form and abide by the ASH COI policy
  • Cite support from the 91国产精品 in any publications resulting from the ASH MEI project
  • Respond to future inquiries from ASH regarding the participant’s career progression