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Propose a Topic for New ASH Guidelines

On a continuous basis, ASH accepts proposals for new clinical practice guidelines. On an annual basis, proposals are reviewed by the ASH Committee on Quality. When prioritizing topics, the committee considers the following:

  • Is the proposed guideline topic important for hematologists (e.g., because of disease prevalence, impact of the disease on patients, high resource use or other factors)?
  • Would guidelines on the proposed topic address uncertainty regarding optimal practice or address unexplained variation in clinical practice?
  • Would guidelines address an underserved population or under-recognized health problem, i.e., potentially change clinical practice in ways that would improve health equity?
  • Is there published evidence to inform guidelines?
  • Is the topic not adequately addressed by existing guidelines?
  • Would guidelines on the topic align with other ASH strategic priorities and initiatives?

ASH members may submit proposals using the ASH Guideline Proposal Form. Non-ASH members may collaborate with an ASH member to submit a proposal. Completed forms should be submitted to [email protected].

Download form

Prioritization Schedule

 Month(s) Overview
 June-September Call to ASH members for new proposals, when considered needed (will not occur in 2024).
October-November  Review by Committee on Quality
December-April Project planning and budgeting   
 May Executive approval of plan and budget

Sample Guideline Topic Proposals

Please view two examples of successful guideline topic proposals below:

Published Guidelines

All published ASH guidelines are available here.

Topic Proposal Form

ASH members interested in submitting topics for consideration are invited to download the nomination form.

Download the Form

Public Comment

All are welcome to comment on draft recommendations, including physicians, patients, caregivers, and members of the public.

Review Draft Guidelines

user guide to Guidelines聽

Learn how patients, clinicians, policymakers, researchers, and others may interpret and apply guideline information.