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ASH Summit on Immunotherapies for Hematologic Diseases

Abstract Categories

Abstracts will be accepted in the following categories for the 2023 ASH Summit on Immunotherapies for Hematologic Diseases.

Category 1: Immunotherapy (Basic Science)

Experimental and preclinical studies that highlight novel insights from basic immunology and cell biology aimed at advancing the development and further improvement of immunotherapies for malignant and non-malignant hematologic diseases.

Category 2: Immunotherapy (Translational Research)

Translational studies focused on cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in effectiveness, biomarker identification, resistance, development of toxicities, and relapse associated with immunotherapies for both malignant and non-malignant hematologic diseases. Abstracts highlighting emerging and new trial design strategies that focus on risk prediction models can also be submitted to this category.

Category 3: Immunotherapy (Clinical Research)

Clinical studies of immunotherapies targeting all hematologic diseases (malignant and non-malignant). Studies submitted to this category would encompass clinical trials of unmanipulated, or genetically engineered immune cells, small molecules, biologics, and other immunotherapeutic strategies for patients with malignancies or other hematologic diseases. Abstracts focused on identifying unique strategies to manage adverse events resulting from these targeted therapies can also be submitted to this category.

Category 4: Manufacturing of Immunotherapies

Clinical studies focused on the development and manufacturing of cellular and engineered immunotherapies for hematologic diseases. Studies could be focused on any of the following: cell collection, expansion, purification, mobilization and overall processing and/or discuss cell manufacturing considerations for transitioning immunotherapies from clinical trials to licensure.

Category 5: Late Breaking: Emerging Promise and Challenges in Gene and Cell Therapies

This category will feature abstracts highlighting emerging data from immunotherapy and gene therapy clinical trials including genotoxicity.