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Structure and Governance

Volunteer Code of Conduct

This code of conduct applies to all who volunteer to serve ASH as a member of a committee, subcommittee, task force, study section, editorial board, or similarly appointed position, supporting an initiative facilitated by the Society. (Consultants and other business partners are also expected to adhere the principles of the code as stipulated in their contracts.)

Mission: Foster high-quality, equitable care, transformative research, and innovative education to improve the lives of patients with blood and bone marrow disorders.

Behaviors: In support of the ASH mission and the relevant ASH initiative, all volunteers agree to act in a manner that is respectful toward their fellow colleagues, staff, and other constituents. ASH holds its volunteers to high standards of behavior to better facilitate the achievement and fulfillment of its mission. As a volunteer, ASH expects you, and you agree, to:

  1. Treat ASH members, volunteers, staff, and other constituents with respect and consideration always.
  2. Foster a positive environment, free from discrimination, harassment, or intimidation, where ASH members, volunteers, staff, and other constituents adhere to established protocols in supporting the initiative, and otherwise can contribute meaningfully on behalf of the Society.
  3. Communicate with ASH members, volunteers, staff, and other constituents in ways that enable the exchange and fair consideration of diverse and productive ideas and facilitate thoughtful and inclusive dialogue in advancing the initiative.
  4. Demonstrate behaviors regarding ASH members, volunteers, staff, and other constituents that are consistent with the highest standards of professionalism, respect, collegiality, and decorum while modeling ethical, inclusive, safe, and lawful conduct, not only in efforts to support the initiative, but also in any communications with third parties (including social media posts) that refer or relate to ASH, the initiative, or the relevant ASH members, volunteers, staff, and other constituents.
  5. Raise concerns with ASH staff or leadership if you experience and/or witness any conduct that violates this Code of Conduct.

Protocol: All ASH volunteer roles are supported by staff. Reach out to your designated staff liaison or ASH leaders in the case of significant matters relating to the initiative, such as:

  1. Changes in your availability, capacity, or ability to continue in your appointed volunteer role.
  2. Questions about or shifts in the mandate or scope of the initiative you have been appointed to serve
  3. Requests for additional support or resources to fulfill the mandate of the initiative you have been appointed to serve.
  4. Observed incidents of interpersonal conflicts between, or misconduct by, ASH volunteers, staff, and/or other constituents that may adversely affect the progress of the initiative

ASH Response: ASH reserves the right to act on reports of behavior and/or communications that may violate this Code of Conduct. ASH’s actions in this regard may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Investigating reported behavior and seeking to resolve issues informally
  2. Engaging a third party to provide additional services as needed (e.g., investigation, mediation, other alternative dispute resolution).
  3. Taking reasonable, responsible, and appropriate actions to respond to incidents of behavior that violates this Code of Conduct, to try to prevent further incidents of such behavior, and to try to protect against retaliation for reports of concerns.
  4. Revoking a volunteer’s appointment to the initiative
  5. Excluding a volunteer from future activities or service. 

Concerns about volunteer conduct will be handled with appropriate confidentiality, as necessary, for effective investigation and resolution.

To submit a code of conduct violation, click .


Questions and comments regarding the ASH Volunteer Code of Conduct can be directed to the ASH Executive Administrator & Board Liaison, LaFaundra Neville-Ingram at [email protected].