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Hematology Inclusion Pathway

The ASH-Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program

The Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, aims to increase the number of historically marginalized faculty in academic medicine, dentistry, and nursing, helping them achieve senior ranks and fostering the development of future professionals. ASH has partnered with the on the ASH - Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program for hematology physicians.

The ASH - Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program, part of the Hematology Inclusion Pathway program, offers four years of postdoctoral research support including an annual grant to support research activities, the support of a National Advisory Committee mentor, complimentary ASH membership, and a stipend to support attendance at both the ASH and award annual meetings for the continuing four years.

Three Awards Attendees

Key Dates

Application Available February 2025
Application Deadline March 2025
Award Notification August 2025
Award Activation November 2025

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