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Highlights of ASH in Asia-Pacific

Highlights of ASH in Asia-Pacific

About Highlights of ASH in Asia-Pacific

By attending Highlights of ASH, you will get a comprehensive review of significant scientific updates in clinical and translational hematologic research, learn how these updates directly affect the study and practice of hematology, and discover how new research can be translated into cutting-edge patient care. 

Through participation in this meeting, you will be able to:

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Access a program curated from highlights of the ASH annual meeting which covers the latest and most influential topics in hematology.

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Engage in interactive panel discussions with speakers and attend small group lunch sessions with experts in the field.

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Network with experts, exhibitors, and peers in a close-knit setting.

This meeting has been designed to be a rewarding educational event for hematologists, oncologists, fellows and trainees, allied health professionals, and hematopathologists.

Program Co-Host

ASH is proud to co-host this meeting with the Japanese Society of Hematology.