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ASH Meeting on Lymphoma Biology

Registration Information for the ASH Meeting on Lymphoma Biology

To begin the online registration process for the ASH Meeting on Lymphoma Biology, please use your ASH username (your email address, unless you have changed it) and password. If you have forgotten your username and/or password, you may reset them by using the “Forgot Username or Password” links. If someone else is registering for the meeting on your behalf, please provide him/her with your log-in credentials to ensure your registration is processed quickly.

Key Registration Dates and Deadlines

Advance Registration February 12, 2020 - June 18, 2020
Late/On-Site Registration June 19, 2020 – August 9, 2020

Registration Fee Information

Registration fees paid in advance may be paid by credit card or check only. Wire transfers will not be accepted. To pay by check, please contact the ASH Registration Center. On-site registration fees may be paid by credit card only.

The following are included with registration:

  • Access to all meeting sessions, networking breaks, exhibits, and company presentations
  • Breakfast daily, a welcome reception on Thursday, and lunch and dinner on Friday and Saturday
  • Access to the Meeting on Lymphoma Biology mobile app

Registration Categories and Fees 

Advance Registration (ends 6/18/2020)

Registration Category Advance Rate
Active or International Member1 $750
Non-Member $1,050
Associate Member1 $250
International Associate Member1 $250
Medical Student, Graduate Student, or Resident Member1 $100
Non-Member in Training2 $345
Allied Health Professional3 $595
Emeritus Member (before 1/1/15) No charge
Emeritus Member (as of 1/1/15) $150
Spouse/Guest $75

Late and On-Site Registration

Registration Category Late/On-Site Rate
Active or International Member1 $895
Non-Member $1,195
Associate Member1 $395
International Associate Member1 $395
Medical Student, Graduate Student, or Resident Member1 $150
Non-Member in Training2 $495
Allied Health Professional3 $645
Emeritus Member (before 1/1/15) No charge
Emeritus Member (as of 1/1/15) $195
Spouse/Guest $75

1You must be a member at the time of registration to receive this rate. Applicants approved for membership after registering for the meeting will not be refunded the difference between the member and non-member rates.

2Non-members in training must provide an original letter on their institution’s letterhead, signed by a training program director, which states that they are currently enrolled in a training program.

3Allied health professionals must provide a copy of an employee ID, professional license, or letter from their supervisor on the institution’s letterhead. Allied health professionals include, but are not limited to, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, medical laboratory scientists, physician assistants, clinical nurse specialists, pharmacists, research technicians, and technologists.

Meeting Policies

Copyright Policy

Materials contained in the ASH meeting presentations, including slides, audio, abstracts, and posters, are protected by copyright and may not be published or reproduced in any medium (including social media) without express written permission from ASH (or, in the case of the posters, from the author).

Meeting Cancellation Policy

ASH reserves the right to modify or cancel any or all activities associated with this meeting due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event that ASH must unexpectedly cancel this meeting, the full registration fee, less a processing charge, will be returned to each registrant.

Registration Cancellation Policy

There will be a $75 fee for cancellations received online on or before Monday, July 13, 2020. No refunds will be granted after this date. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from attending, you are welcome to petition for an exception to this policy. To do so, please email the ASH Registration Center at [email protected] to explain your situation and include any documentation to support your case (documentation is optional but recommended). These petitions must be submitted by Monday, August 24, 2020, to be considered. The decision regarding your petition may take up to one month after the event to process.

Cancelling your meeting registration does not automatically cancel your hotel reservation. All registration cancellations and refunds will be processed in the same manner as original payment.

If paid by credit card the refund will be issued to the card on record, generally within 5-7 business days of the request. Payments made by check will be refunded as a check within 45 days of the close of the meeting.

Registration Questions?

Contact the ASH Registration Center

Assistance is available from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. The ASH Registration Center is closed on weekends and holidays.

888-273-5704 (U.S. toll free)
001-703-449-6418 (International)

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 703-563-2715

ASH Registration Center
c/o SPARGO, Inc.
11208 Waples Mill Road, Suite 112
Fairfax, VA 22030